The website is operated by:

Yonberg SARL

3, allée des Vernaies – ZA Les Perrasses – 74230 Thônes – France

Phone number: + 33 (0)4 50 02 05 89
Siret : 80808171 500019
VAT number : FR11 808 081 715


Company hosting the website

The hosting of the website is made by OVH.

It is a simplified stock company with a capital of Euros 10 000 000.

RCS Roubaix – Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045

APE code 6202A – VAT number: FR 22 424 761 419

Headquarters: 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix – France.


Computer technology and freedom

In accordance with Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data, files and liberties and Article 34 of the Act of January 6, 1978, customers have the right of access to data concerning them as well as the right to modify or delete their personal data. This website has been declared to CNIL dated 25/02/2015 – declaration receipt No. 1838957.

Personal data relating to customers collected through various forms are intended exclusively for use as part of the implementation of its services.

Yonberg Sarl retains the personal data of users in France exclusively and is committed to maintaining strictly confidential all personal data collected.

Customers wishing to exercise this right of access to personal data can do so by sending a message via mail or email to using the contact details above.


Intellectual property

The user agrees not to reproduce, summarize, modify, alter or redistribute without prior permission of the publisher, any text, title, application, logo, brand, information or illustration for any purpose other than private use.  This excludes any representation for professional purposes or dissemination in number.

Similarly, the user agrees not to copy all or part of the site and then transfer it to a different site or to an internal corporate network.



# Agence Pappleweb, Monsieur Florent Perret

# Photos, Lucile Collignon, Philippe Eghbal


Editorial responsibility

Yonberg Sarl strives to provide users with the most reliable and qualitative information possible.

However, it does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided on the site.

Therefore Yonberg can not be held liable for direct or indirect damages suffered by users or third parties who find their sources in the information provided on this website, and more generally, in the consultation and use of the website .

In addition, the company guarantees that the present online content respects the protective provisions of copyright and neighboring rights and that it holds all necessary rights to use such content.